Sunday, November 8, 2009

Whatever, Whenever

I was reading a raw website recently, which talked about people eating 100% raw amd being able to eat whatever they want, whenever they want and be completely healthy. I was reminded that in the past, when I have eaten a certain way, I can eat as much of whatever I want, whenever I want (within those parameters), and I continue to get healthier & maintain a healthy weight. The diet for me has consisted almost entirely of raw plant foods, with a little cooked meat/eggs (grass-fed or wild-caught) and raw cheese. The website I read said that the "whatever, whenever" principle goes away when cooked food is part of the diet. For me, that is true EXCEPT in the case of cooked meat/eggs. Anyway, I don't know if it's because these foods are a magic combination for my body as far as how the food is digested/used, or if it's because eating this way enables me to be more in tune with what my body needs (so that what I want is what my body needs)...or maybe this is the diet I'm drawn to BECAUSE I'm wanting to eat what my body needs...However it works, there it is. Of course, I suppose that could change tomorrow & I'll be saying I feel healthiest eating cooked grains & beans &... :)

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